vulture Archive

In two different scenes in Superior Spider-Man #11, Otto Octavius, finds himself “trapped” by the failings of his Spider-Man predecessor, Peter Parker. But in a comic issue that focuses on the inhabitants of the Raft – a state-of-the-art prison for supervillains that seems to frequently fail at doing what

Front seat conversation between my wife and I during long car trips inevitably devolve into something along the lines of me randomly asking, “name your top five (insert just about anything here, i.e. songs, bands, movies, sandwiches, secretaries of state, etc).” I’ve often wondered if individuals born with the

Since the very first issue of Amazing Spider-Man, it’s been established how important it is for Spidey’s civilian identity – teenage wallflower/science geek Peter Parker – to remain a secret. The consequences of his secret identity being outed were painted as incredibly severe – the Green Goblin/Norman Osborn was
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