venom Archive

I think I’ve been pigeon-holing myself a bit with the retro-comics I’ve been writing about over the past few months: the original Hobgoblin Saga review over the summer and last month’s Avengers/X-Men 50th anniversary posts. So with that in mind, I’m not going to “officially” declare October, “Venom Month.”

Jim Salicrup, editor-in-chief of Papercutz and a former Marvel editor who oversaw the Spider-Man titles for years (and who hired superstar artist Todd McFarlane to illustrate Amazing Spider-Man), sat down with Dan Gvozden and I at the Connecticut ComiCONN event in Trumbull, CT, last weekend. The interview has just

Front seat conversation between my wife and I during long car trips inevitably devolve into something along the lines of me randomly asking, “name your top five (insert just about anything here, i.e. songs, bands, movies, sandwiches, secretaries of state, etc).” I’ve often wondered if individuals born with the