Spider Island Archive

It’s possible that here on Chasing Amazing, I have a little bit of a villain fetish. I admit it. I love supervillains. As much as I love the compelling backstory of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, like any good popcorn-munching, entertainment-seeking lemming, I need to see things go “boom.” That’s where supervillains

One of the interesting things about the numerous miniseries being pumped out by Marvel that are connected to Amazing Spider-Man’s Spider Island story-arc is it gives me, the reader, an opportunity to get acquainted or reacquainted with some characters that I’ve otherwise ignored or forgotten about. Of course this

Before there was Spider Island, there was Maximum Carnage, a major Spidey-centric Marvel crossover “event” from the 1990s. Split into 14-parts and featuring prominent guest appearances from the likes of Captain America, Venom, Morbius the Vampire, Iron Fist and more, Maximum Carnage may go down as one of the