Peter David Archive

If you haven’t yet, be sure to download the latest episode of the Amazing Spider-Talk. This time around, Dan and I chat about the classic Peter David/Bob McLeod issue, Amazing Spider-Man #267, aka “The Commuter Cometh.” This episode is another installment of our fan favorite “essential” series. Here are

I’m back on ComicBook.com with another installment of 90s Nirvana, the listicle feature that spotlights significant storylines from the 1990s. This go round, I’m talking Peter David and George Perez’s Hulk: Future Imperfect, a story that is quite relevant these days thanks to how it’s being heavily referenced in

I honestly haven’t been a huge fan of Spider-Man 2099 since the “Spider-Verse” tie-ins started a couple of months ago. I could just be projecting, but the awkward insertion of this storyline feels reminiscent to what inevitably doomed Peter David’s run on Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man a few years ago.

Peter David Spider-Man books don’t have a happy history of avoiding the influence of larger company-wide or title-wide “events.” During the original Spider-Man 2099 run, the book would intermittingly have to break from its larger narrative to make room for storylines that traversed all the 2099 books. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man,