Matt Kindt Archive

I think I’m losing patience with the Marvel Knights Spider-Man miniseries. I say, “think,” because I’m not entirely sure. When reading Marvel Knights Spider-Man #4, there were moments of such stunningly awful characterization, I was absolutely certain that there was no way I was reading a Spider-Man comic, just

Two issues in and I’m still hard-pressed to say with any confidence what my overall impressions are of the Matt Kindt/Marco Rudy Marvel Knights Spider-Man collaboration. After a trippy, psychedelic opening issue, a part of me was wondering/hoping that the second installment would settle into a more traditional narrative

Episode 20 of Superior Spider-Talk is here! This episode is another batch of interviews I collected during my experience at New York Comic Con in October. We’ve dubbed this one our NYCC “Writer’s Room” edition, and it features Matt Kindt (current writer on the Marvel Knights Spider-Man mini-series), Frad