Kevin Shinick Archive

The relentlessly funny Axis: Hobgoblin miniseries reached its finale last week, ending on a somewhat inconclusive note that gives me hope that perhaps there’s life after Axis for Roderick Kingsley (as long as Kevin Shinick and Javier Rodriguez remain the creative team). Even when the third and final issue wasn’t firing

Two-thirds of the way through its criminally short run, the Axis: Hobgoblin miniseries continues to be one of the smartest and funniest comics I’ve read this year this side of Superior Foes of Spider-Man. Kevin Shinick’s script just fires on all cylinders, delivering both traditional humor and more atypical meta-humor

After our successful debut episode earlier this month, the Amazing Spider-Talk is back with a special, Spider-Talk and Their Amazing Friends edition. In these episodes, Dan Gvozden and I interview creators and other personalities associated with Spider-Man comics. This time around, we welcome the fantastic writer Kevin Shinick (Superior

The penultimate issue of the Superior Carnage mini-series gives readers what might end up being the Superior Spider-Man’s most engaging confrontation since this new status quo began in January – Spider Ock vs. the Wizard. (And I’ll take “sentences I never thought I would write,” for $1,000, Alex). In
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