Hobgoblin Archive

The three-part Spectacular Spider-Man “Goblins at the Gate” arc which ran in issues #259-261, is the comic book equivalent of the Wrestlemania 18 showdown between Hulk Hogan and The Rock. In these three issues – which also function as a postscript to the Roger Stern/Ron Frenz Hobgoblin Lives miniseries

The incomparable Dan Gvozden, co-host of Superior Spider-Talk and a super-friend to Chasing Amazing, has returned from last weekend’s Baltimore Comic Con bearing gifts of awesome interviews with some of Spider-Man’s greatest creators. In Episode 14 of Superior Spider-Talk (a special Superior Spider-Talk and Our Amazing Friends episode), Dan

Jim Salicrup, editor-in-chief of Papercutz and a former Marvel editor who oversaw the Spider-Man titles for years (and who hired superstar artist Todd McFarlane to illustrate Amazing Spider-Man), sat down with Dan Gvozden and I at the Connecticut ComiCONN event in Trumbull, CT, last weekend. The interview has just

The “legendary” Tom DeFalco, former Marvel editor-in-chief, writer on multiple Spider-Man titles for decades, and the creator of the Spider-Girl series, sat down with Dan Gvozden and I at the Connecticut ComiCONN event in Trumbull, CT, last weekend. The interview has just been released as an episode of the Superior