Hobgoblin Archive

Two-thirds of the way through its criminally short run, the Axis: Hobgoblin miniseries continues to be one of the smartest and funniest comics I’ve read this year this side of Superior Foes of Spider-Man. Kevin Shinick’s script just fires on all cylinders, delivering both traditional humor and more atypical meta-humor

As Spider-Man fans, we are all too familiar with great storylines being decimated by editorial politics. My latest list at WhatCulture looks at 10 times throughout the industry when editorial interference ruined something we loved in comics. How many Spider-Man stories made the list? Click the link to find

For a comprehensive gallery of all of the images featured on Chasing Amazing, along with other cool visuals I stumble upon while surfing the internet, be sure to follow my Pinterest page. Here are some visuals from my Giuseppe Camuncoli Spider-Man Art gallery, which are all images illustrated by Camuncoli in