Green Goblin Archive

If you like epically staged and beautifully illustrated fights between heroes and villains, Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #4 is definitely the comic for you. However, I’m still having a hard time getting too invested in this storyline because of the way Brian Michael Bendis continues to pace things. And

The narrative continues to be unveiled at an incremental rate in Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man, though unlike last month, issue #3 revs up the tension by giving readers a fair amount of the recently resurrected Green Goblin/Norman Osborn. It still feels monumentally unfair that in the Ultimate Universe

In celebration of Superior Spider-Man’s “Goblin Nation” arc, over the next two months, I’m going to acknowledge what I consider to be the 10 best Green Goblin/Spider-Man storylines. I’m creating this list based on a full array of arbitrary, unscientific criteria: namely historical significance, artwork, creativity and my overall enjoyment of the

In celebration of Superior Spider-Man’s “Goblin Nation” arc, over the next two months, I’m going to acknowledge what I consider to be the 10 best Green Goblin/Spider-Man storylines. I’m creating this list based on a full array of arbitrary, unscientific criteria: namely historical significance, artwork, creativity and my overall enjoyment of the