Doctor Octopus Archive

After recently reading the first installment of famed Spidey scribe Gerry Conway’s latest “Gang War” storyline, I thought I’d continue my new series on Spider-Man underworld stories with a spotlight on the very first Conway “Gang War” story, the three part “Who the Heck is Hammerhead” (as featured in

A majority of the Spectacular Spider-Man series remains my most shameful “blind spot” since the title churned out so many quality stories, especially during the 1980s and early 1990s. Some of my favorite all-time writers like Roger Stern and JM DeMatteis had extensive runs on Spectacular, but the title’s

Front seat conversation between my wife and I during long car trips inevitably devolve into something along the lines of me randomly asking, “name your top five (insert just about anything here, i.e. songs, bands, movies, sandwiches, secretaries of state, etc).” I’ve often wondered if individuals born with the