Dan Slott Archive

I was not one of those Spider-Man fans clamoring for the return of Miguel O’Hara, aka Spider-Man 2099, when Amazing/Superior Spider-Man writer Dan Slott first baited people about the character’s modern-era resurrection with an “accidental” tweet to artist Ryan Stegman last year. Despite not reading the series in nearly

Whenever I’m reading the newest issue of Superior Spider-Man, there’s always a few moments where I’m chuckling to myself. I’m chuckling because there’s a bit of dialogue or an action sequence that I just find humorous. I’m chuckling because I’m reading a comic book about Doctor Octopus attempting to

This might sound like an asinine criticism, but I sometimes think Dan Slott has too much of a handle on his Superior Spider-Man creation. While Slott’s mastery of continuity and diligence to long-term planning has allowed me to enjoy the Superior Spider-Man’s eponymous series, I have found Spider Ock’s

Whenever I find myself getting apprehensive about the direction of the Spider-Man universe, Dan Slott finds a way to bring me back from the brink. After reading Avenging Spider-Man #20 earlier this month, I had some reservations about how Spider Ock was being characterized. Without Astral Peter there as Otto’s