Boomerang Archive

The last time I talked about the Superior Foes of Spider-Man, I was none too happy about back-to-back “filler” issues that neglected to advance the overall Boomerang-led caper plot and instead featured less interesting, one-note characters like Overdrive, Speed Demon and Grizzly. That was two whole months ago – a lifetime

An earlier issue of Superior Foes of Spider-Man featured a monologue courtesy of everyone’s favorite unreliable narrator Fred “Boomerang” Meyers where he said that the criminal business was one about “relationships.” While the speech was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, part of what has made Superior Foes such a revelation

I’m back at with my “It Feels Like the First Time” column, which looks at significant “firsts” in Spider-Man comics, i.e., first appearances of supporting characters, phrases, images and/or general concepts that have gone on to play a critical role in the Spider-Man mythos. Today I look at the very
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