Amazing Spider-Talk Archive

Dan Gvozden of superiorspidertalk.com fame recently had the opportunity to interview the “legendary” Tom DeFalco for the latest episode of the Amazing Spider-Talk podcast. DeFalco has a brand new Spider-Man story in soon-to-be released Marvel 75th Anniversary Anthology and, of course, has had an iconic career as both a

Amazing Spider-Talk finally releases its The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie review/discussion episode with a very special guest! Gerry Conway, architect of the “Night Gwen Stacy Died” storyline in the Amazing Spider-Man #121-122 joins Dan Gvozden and I to talk about Sony’s new film and his impressions on Spider-Man in

The greatest Spider-Man podcast in the world, Amazing Spider-Talk, is back with episode #2. Be sure you visit superiorspidetalk.com to watch/listen to this epic audio/visual event. In this installment, Dan Gvozden and I discuss Amazing Spider-Man #2 (vol. 3), and the epic Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1.. We also read your

After our successful debut episode earlier this month, the Amazing Spider-Talk is back with a special, Spider-Talk and Their Amazing Friends edition. In these episodes, Dan Gvozden and I interview creators and other personalities associated with Spider-Man comics. This time around, we welcome the fantastic writer Kevin Shinick (Superior