Amazing Spider-Talk Archive

Welp… we arrived at the end of “Spider-Verse” this week, so you can guaran-damn-tee that Dan Gvozden and I break down everything about (for better or for worse). Link on over to superiorspidertalk.com to download this giant-sized episode of Amazing Spider-Talk, where Dan and I talk Amazing Spider-Man #14,

“Spider-Verse” is hitting its stride, and Dan Gvozden and I are here to chit chat about in the latest episode of Amazing Spider-Talk, available on superiorspidertalk.com. This time around, Dan and I talk Amazing Spider-Man #11 (vol. 3), Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (vol. 3), some breaking spider news and

Amazing Spider-Talk is back with our eight episode focusing on Amazing Spider-Man #8 and the first appearance of Spider-Girl! Please be sure to download the episode on the fantastic superiorspidertalk.com. As always, don’t forget to subscribe to Amazing Spider-Talk through iTunes and on Stitcher. And while you’re there, leave us a rating and

Here we go Spider-Friends, the latest episode of Amazing Spider-Talk is available for download over at the fantastic superiorspidertalk.com. In this episode, Dan and I share our thoughts about Amazing Spider-Man #7 (vol. 3), talk about all the new books announced at New York Comic Con, and then discuss

Both Dan and I are very excited about this interview. Amazing Spider-Talk welcomed Jason Latour and Robbie Rodriguez, the writer and penciller respectively for the hit comic, Edge of Spider-Verse #2, aka, the debut of “Spider-Gwen.” At least from our perspective, this one of our most entertaining and colorful interviews

Welcome back to another episode of Amazing Spider-Talk, which you can of course check out by following this link to superiorspidertalk.com. In this episode Dan and I talk the finale to the Amazing Spider-Man “Learning to Crawl” miniseries along with Superior Spider-Man #33. We also answer your fan mail