Putting aside the absolute co-inky-dink that Marvel would choose to spotlight the Lizard in an Amazing Spider-Man story-arc at the same time that a brand-new Spider-Man movie featuring the Lizard was in theaters (which I still haven’t seen yet, unfortunately), I was actually looking forward to the “No Turning

Similar to last summer when Spider Island and all of its accompanying spin-offs inevitably told the better story with far less fanfare than Marvel’s “mega” event crossover Fear Itself, this year, the Spidey-focused mini-series Spider-Men seems to be far more satisfying than Marvel’s throw everyone into a pot and

Long-time readers of Chasing Amazing are well aware of my love-hate relationship with Annual issues. Sure, Marvel has long used Amazing Spider-Man Annuals to introduce key events and storylines – the first appearance of the Sinister Six, Spidey trying to join the Avengers, the origin of his parents and