What’s so unique about Amazing Spider-Man #239 is how writer Roger Stern takes his new creation, the Hobgoblin, and expertly crafts the villain as a legitimate physical and psychological threat to Spider-Man, while also exposing the character’s vulnerabilities and weaknesses. In the 20 years of Spider-Man comics that preceded

Whenever I’m reading the newest issue of Superior Spider-Man, there’s always a few moments where I’m chuckling to myself. I’m chuckling because there’s a bit of dialogue or an action sequence that I just find humorous. I’m chuckling because I’m reading a comic book about Doctor Octopus attempting to

I wanted to do something “special” to mark Superior Spider-Man month beyond just writing about all the new titles Marvel is currently pumping out. While I’ve recently started to retro-review/wax poetic about some story-arcs in full (as opposed to what I was doing when I first launched Chasing Amazing,