Just when you thought you were done with us, the best Spider-man podcast, Amazing Spider-Talk, is back for more. Check out Dan Gvozden (of superiorspidertalk.com) and I talk about Amazing Spider-Man #16.1, answer your mail, and make a special announcement about the frequency of our show going forward. http://media.blubrry.com/amazingspidertalk/www.dangvozden.com/Podcast/AEpisode16point1.m4a

Welcome back to another episode of Amazing Spider-Talk! In this installment, Dan Gvozden (from superiorspidertalk.com) talk about Amazing Spider-Man #16 (vol. 3) by Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos, read your comments and e-mails and talks some recent spider-news like the upcoming “Renew Your Vows” arc. Now, you can listen

After Marvel released the first few issues of its latest team-up series, Guardians Team-Up earlier this month, on ComicBook.com I thought I’d rank the greatest 10 storylines from the company’s ORIGINAL team-up series, Marvel Team-Up (starring Spider-Man). I know all of you are dying to know … where does