Random Runs of Spidey Archive

What’s so unique about Amazing Spider-Man #239 is how writer Roger Stern takes his new creation, the Hobgoblin, and expertly crafts the villain as a legitimate physical and psychological threat to Spider-Man, while also exposing the character’s vulnerabilities and weaknesses. In the 20 years of Spider-Man comics that preceded

In my Amazing Spider-Man #530 write-up, I mentioned some of the defining character differences between Tony Stark and Peter Parker as demonstrated by the first two parts of 2006’s “Mr. Parker Goes to Washington,” arc. In the storyline’s third and final section, ASM #531, these stark differences are even

Amazing Spider-Man #530 is a significant entry in the title’s history because it’s the first issue that explicitly starts to outline the proposed parameters of the government’s Superhero Registration Act – a piece of fictional legislation designed to have Americans with super powers out themselves as part of a

Amazing Spider-Man #144, the second part of the “Delusion Conspiracy” arc which sees Peter Parker and Mary Jane get closer just as Gwen Stacy’s clone makes her existence known, reminds me of another form of entertainment: professional wrestling. Before your eyes collectively roll so fast they hit the back

Some quick house-cleaning/sausage making updates before I proceed with today’s post. Since we here at Chasing Amazing pride ourselves on creating content that both looks back and looks forward at the Spider-Man universe (two days a week and sometimes a third, if I’m feeling saucy), I thought I’d use