Podcasts Archive

Welcome back to another episode of Amazing Spider-Talk! In this installment, Dan Gvozden (from superiorspidertalk.com) talk about Amazing Spider-Man #16 (vol. 3) by Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos, read your comments and e-mails and talks some recent spider-news like the upcoming “Renew Your Vows” arc. Now, you can listen

Welp… we arrived at the end of “Spider-Verse” this week, so you can guaran-damn-tee that Dan Gvozden and I break down everything about (for better or for worse). Link on over to superiorspidertalk.com to download this giant-sized episode of Amazing Spider-Talk, where Dan and I talk Amazing Spider-Man #14,

“Spider-Verse” is hitting its stride, and Dan Gvozden and I are here to chit chat about in the latest episode of Amazing Spider-Talk, available on superiorspidertalk.com. This time around, Dan and I talk Amazing Spider-Man #11 (vol. 3), Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (vol. 3), some breaking spider news and