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What distinguishes a superhero from a plain old “hero” are superpowers. The ability to fly, super-strength, heightened intelligence, etc. all qualify. Otherwise you’re just a do-gooder who would likely fall victim to a Green Goblin pumpkin bomb or Doctor Octopus’ tentacles. You need honest-to-god powers to compete in this

Those familiar with both Spider-Man lore and history, and my personal quest and collection have occasionally asked me about my ultimate intentions to buy Amazing Fantasy #15 – aka the very first appearance of the Spider-Man character and the Holy Grail of Spidey comics. News that a private collector

Many people have collections, and many people specifically collect comics. But I don’t know many people who are attempting to do what I’m currently doing: collecting every single Amazing Spider-Man dating back to issue #1, which was originally released about 18 years before I was even born. Let’s get