Monthly Archive:: April 2015

Readers looking to fill the void of the recently-cancelled, smartly funny, character-centric Superior Foes of Spider-Man should look no further than what Dennis Hopeless and Javier Rodriguez are putting forward with Spider-Woman. I haven’t touched upon Spider-Woman on Chasing Amazing since the third issue – one that was mainly filled with recycled

Dan and Mark are back with episode 17 of the spectacular Amazing Spider-Talk podcast. This time out, Dan and I talk Amazing Spider-Man #17, answer your e-mails and comments, and discuss some Spider-news, including a little surprise about Mr. Gvozden’s collection. Check it out on or click the

Happy Daredevil day everybody! I already wrote about a bunch of classic Spider-Man/Hornhead stories last year during Dardevil’s 50th anniversary month, but given the “Man Without Fear’s” frequent interactions with Marvel’s criminal underworld, I thought I could kill two birds with one stone and thematically link a Spidey/DD tales