Monthly Archive:: October 2014

Followers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (namely Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) know that over the past year there was a major infiltration of the terrorist organization Hydra. In acknowledgement of this, at I wrote about five times in comic book history Hydra has

Over at I recently spoke to Neil Kleid, author of the Marvel Universe novel, Spider-Man: Kraven’s Last Hunt, which is a prose adaptation of the iconic comic book story. In this interview, Kleid talks about his process and the challenges of taking a classic visual story and transforming

Both Dan and I are very excited about this interview. Amazing Spider-Talk welcomed Jason Latour and Robbie Rodriguez, the writer and penciller respectively for the hit comic, Edge of Spider-Verse #2, aka, the debut of “Spider-Gwen.” At least from our perspective, this one of our most entertaining and colorful interviews