Monthly Archive:: October 2014

Peter David Spider-Man books don’t have a happy history of avoiding the influence of larger company-wide or title-wide “events.” During the original Spider-Man 2099 run, the book would intermittingly have to break from its larger narrative to make room for storylines that traversed all the 2099 books. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man,

Here we go Spider-Friends, the latest episode of Amazing Spider-Talk is available for download over at the fantastic In this episode, Dan and I share our thoughts about Amazing Spider-Man #7 (vol. 3), talk about all the new books announced at New York Comic Con, and then discuss

Similar to what Jason Latour and Robbie Rodriquez accomplished with Spider-Gwen and Edge of Spider-Verse #2, Gerard Way and Jake Wyatt’s Edge of Spider-Verse #5, creates a wholly unique universe that appears to speak its own language and operate on its own dedicated frequency – a stunning achievement considering