Monthly Archive:: June 2014

Demonstrating just how brilliant Peter David is able to weave together elements of comedy and tragedy, the 1988 Spectacular Spider-Man#134-136 arc “Return of the Sin-Eater” may just be the greatest Electro/Spider-Man story ever published, despite the fact that Electro is not technically the focal point of the arc. Instead,

Two issues into the Amazing Spider-Man “Learning to Crawl” miniseries and some of the fears that I first talked about last month are starting to materialize. It’s not that “Learning to Crawl” isn’t a likeable enough comic book story. Ramon Perez’s Steve Ditko-inspired artwork is absolutely beautiful and Dan

The last time I talked about the Superior Foes of Spider-Man, I was none too happy about back-to-back “filler” issues that neglected to advance the overall Boomerang-led caper plot and instead featured less interesting, one-note characters like Overdrive, Speed Demon and Grizzly. That was two whole months ago – a lifetime