Monthly Archive:: June 2014

Dan Slott notoriously paced his Superior Spider-Man series so aggressively that it makes an issue like the recently-released Amazing Spider-Man #3 feel quiet and methodical in comparison. That’s certainly a strange thing to say about a comic that opens with a huge reveal revolving a character from Spider-Man’s past,

The Kevin Smith/Terry Dodson controversial miniseries, Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do, might be one of the hardest stories I’ve ever had to write about on Chasing Amazing, because I’m just utterly conflicted about its content, its presentation, and its writer. Let’s start with Smith, since people who

For a comprehensive gallery of all of the images featured on Chasing Amazing, along with other cool visuals I stumble upon while surfing the internet, be sure to follow my Pinterest page. Here are some visuals from my Superior Spider-Man page, which are all images featuring Spider Ock, aka the Superior

I’ve always been a bit squidgy when the real world of politics intersects with the fantasy world of superhero comics. That’s because regardless of the creative team’s beliefs (and how they coincide with my own), there’s always the inherent risk that a politically-charged comic might devolve into something that

Despite it usually clocking in as the “No. 3” romance in Spider-Man history (behind Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Watson), Spider-Man’s dalliance with Felicia Hardy, aka, the Black Cat, in the early/mid-1980s is arguably more interesting in terms of characterization and complexity than any others relationship in Spidey’s history.