Monthly Archive:: April 2014

I thought for the final installment of Chasing Amazing’s Daredevil 50th Anniversary month celebration (I’m going to have a very special, non-Daredevil announcement on Wednesday), I’d take a look at what many consider to be one of the greatest Spider-Man storylines of all-time, and one I have shockingly neglected

Today, as part of my ongoing acknowledgement celebration of the 50th anniversary of Daredevil this month, I’m conducting a bit of a blogging experiment between Chasing Amazing and Longbox Graveyard. This post, along with one I guest blogged for LBG, look at one of Marvel’s greatest rogues, Wilson Fisk,

As I’ve discussed countless times in the past, different comics have varying levels of significance to different people. For some, the 1994-95 arc “Back from the Edge,” which was published in Amazing and Spectacular Spider-Man, was just another mid-90s story that in all likelihood, got lost in the shuffle since it