Monthly Archive:: February 2014

I have felt many things for the Superior Spider-Man since this series first launched last year: curiosity, frustration, disgust, shock, surprise, joy … pick your adjective. Except sympathy. As much as we are living an era filled with anti-heroes that we have been conditioned to cheer for like Walter

In celebration of Superior Spider-Man’s “Goblin Nation” arc, over the next two months, I’m going to acknowledge what I consider to be the 10 best Green Goblin/Spider-Man storylines. I’m creating this list based on a full array of arbitrary, unscientific criteria: namely historical significance, artwork, creativity and my overall enjoyment of the

As the great Brian Cronin continues to spotlight African American comics throughout February on Comics Should Be Good, I thought I would use “Gimmick or Good?” to analyze the greatest selling comic by African American creators of all time, Image’s Tribe #1. Created by Todd Johnson and Larry Stroman,

Ready to download right NOW for you is Episode 30 of the greatest Spider-Man podcast out there, Superior Spider-Talk. As has been the case for the past month, go directly to superiorspidertalk.com to view this episode, and while you’re there, check out the awesome array of reviews and features on the

In celebration of Superior Spider-Man’s “Goblin Nation” arc, over the next two months, I’m going to acknowledge what I consider to be the 10 best Green Goblin/Spider-Man storylines. I’m creating this list based on a full array of arbitrary, unscientific criteria: namely historical significance, artwork, creativity and my overall enjoyment of the

For a comprehensive gallery of all of the images featured on Chasing Amazing, along with other cool visuals I stumble upon while surfing the internet, be sure to follow my Pinterest page. Here are some visuals from my Giuseppe Camuncoli Spider-Man Art gallery, which are all images illustrated by Camuncoli in