Monthly Archive:: November 2013

Two issues in and I’m still hard-pressed to say with any confidence what my overall impressions are of the Matt Kindt/Marco Rudy Marvel Knights Spider-Man collaboration. After a trippy, psychedelic opening issue, a part of me was wondering/hoping that the second installment would settle into a more traditional narrative

Chasing Amazing continues with its Reader Request November with a request from friend of the site and writer, Tyler Barlass: @ChasingASMBlog “I Cover the Waterfront” — Tyler Barlass (@TylerBGoode) October 21, 2013 Great choice Tyler and one that’s personally relevant for me! For a full archive of my

It’s time for Episode 22 of the Superior Spider-Talk podcast! In this episode, Dan Gvozden and I talk about Superior Spider-Man #20, provide our final thoughts on the “Arms of the Octopus” special, and revisit the classic “Arms of the Octopus” arc from Spectacular Spider-Man #73-79. Download the episode from iTunes or our Podomatic web

From its very first issue, Scarlet Spider has featured the tagline, “All of the Power, None of the Responsibility.” And yet, 23 issues in and only two installments away from the series finale in December, the “power/no responsibility” tagline feels like a gross over-simplification of Kaine’s journey. When he

My celebration of Thor continues this weekend with a guest post I provided for the Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, aka, about Thor’s “identity crisis” during the first few years of existence. In this article, I examine how the original Journey Into Mystery creative team of Stan Lee,