Monthly Archive:: November 2013

Happy weekend after Thanksgiving! Episode 24 of Superior Spider-Talk is now available to be downloaded and it’s a special one. For one of our “Superior Spider-Talk and Our Amazing Friends” episodes, we interview David Morrell, writer for the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man #700.1 and #700.2 (aka “Spider-Man: Frost”) and author

For the last installment of my Reader Request month I reluctantly turn to my Superior Spider-Talk podcast co-host, Dan Gvozden: @ChasingASMBlog WAR OF THE REPTILES. Period. — Dan Gvozden (@dangvozden) October 20, 2013 For those keeping score at home, Dan is referring to the “epic” Amazing Spider-Man #165-166. From

Don’t look now, but Episode 23 of the Superior Spider-Talk podcast is here! In this episode, Dan Gvozden and I talk about Superior Spider-Man #21, and talk about the latest Spider-Man news, including a certain Midtown High School bully who is soon going to become a cosmic guardian of the galaxy. Download the

Marvel has been telling us for months that Superior Spider-Man Annual #1 “counts.” As someone who probably has an unhealthy amount of skepticism regarding the “legitimacy” of the Spider-Man annual issues, you could only imagine what my expectations were for Marvel’s first Superior Annual. Now that I’ve read this