Monthly Archive:: August 2013

Staying true to our promise for MORE Superior Spider-Talk, Dan Gvozden from Grind My Reels and myself have released Episode 6 of Superior Spider-Talk. In this podcast, we give our thoughts, reviews and speculation pertaining to all of the new “B” titles that were released for Superior Spider-Man month (Superior Foes of

The fourth installment of my ongoing series for the Sequential Research & Literacy Organization (aka Sequart) about the Walking Dead is posted for your reading pleasure. In this series, which runs every other Friday on Sequart, I look at “garden and wilderness” themes in Kirkman’s wildly popular comic book series

Amazing Spider-Man #245 reminds us of a period of the Hobgoblin’s existence where his secret identity was not the source of such hand-wringing and controversy. As he did for the character’s three previous appearances in ASM, writer Roger Stern plants small clues along with some serious pieces of misdirection