Guest Blogs Archive

A formal announcement regarding a Doctor Strange movie is expected any day now (with Joaquin Phoenix reportedly the front-runner for the lead role), so on I look at five storylines from the comic that would make for a good Strange-centric film. Was your favorite Doctor Strange story featured?

Spider-Man’s “Clone Saga” arc from the 1990s gets a lot of hate around the internet (including this site), but on I make the argument that it really isn’t that bad. With the storyline celebrating its 20th anniversary this month, I examine 10 things/storylines during the “Clone Saga” that

Grant Morrison’s new miniseries takes a look at DC’s complex Multiverse. As such, on, I thought I would take a stroll through the annals of DC history and spotlight eight of the most important Multiverse stories the company has ever published. Keep in mind, these aren’t necessarily the