Monthly Archive:: May 2014

As Spider-Man fans, we are all too familiar with great storylines being decimated by editorial politics. My latest list at WhatCulture looks at 10 times throughout the industry when editorial interference ruined something we loved in comics. How many Spider-Man stories made the list? Click the link to find

Eyebrows were initially raised when Marvel announced that Dan Slott would be penning an Untold Tales of Spider-Man-esque miniseries dubbed “Learning to Crawl,” that would look at some never before seen events that transpired around Amazing Fantasy #15 and Amazing Spider-Man #1-2. It’s only natural to be a bit

The next installment for Chasing Amazing’s “One Month” is infinitely more controversial than the silliness that was Marvel Team-Up #1. With Dan Slott’s “Learning to Crawl” miniseries releasing today – which will take a look at some of the untold events in Spider-Man’s life around Amazing Fantasy #15 and

Here it is folks: the podcast reboot you’ve all been waiting for reviewing the comic book reboot you’ve all been waiting for. It’s the debut episode of the brand new Amazing Spider-Talk starring Dan Gvozden from superiorspidertalk.com and yours truly. In this episode, Dan and I discuss Amazing Spider-Man #1

In celebration/recognition of the Amazing Spider-Man reboot (not to mention my recent acquisition of Amazing Spider-Man #1), I thought it would be fun if throughout May I spotlighted various No. 1 issues (and connected arcs) from the Spider-Man comic universe. And what better way is there go kick off “One