Monthly Archive:: May 2014

Proving that Amazing Spider-Talk is a podcast that knows how to adapt with the times, we have introduced our first “point one” episode! Amazing Spider-Talk #1.1 is here and waiting for you by visiting In this installment, Dan Gvozden and I talk the first issue of the “Learning

After our successful debut episode earlier this month, the Amazing Spider-Talk is back with a special, Spider-Talk and Their Amazing Friends edition. In these episodes, Dan Gvozden and I interview creators and other personalities associated with Spider-Man comics. This time around, we welcome the fantastic writer Kevin Shinick (Superior

For a comprehensive gallery of all of the images featured on Chasing Amazing, along with other cool visuals I stumble upon while surfing the internet, be sure to follow my Pinterest page. Here are some visuals from my Gwen Stacy gallery which are all images of Peter Parker’s first true love, Gwen Stacy,