Monthly Archive:: September 2013

Let’s party like it’s 2099!! Dan Gvozden from Grind My Reels and myself have released Episode 13 of Superior Spider-Talk. In this podcast, we give our thoughts, reviews and speculation pertaining to Superior Spider-Man #17. If that wasn’t enough future Spidey talk for you, tor our classic issue segment, we discuss Spider-Man

I was not one of those Spider-Man fans clamoring for the return of Miguel O’Hara, aka Spider-Man 2099, when Amazing/Superior Spider-Man writer Dan Slott first baited people about the character’s modern-era resurrection with an “accidental” tweet to artist Ryan Stegman last year. Despite not reading the series in nearly

Jim Salicrup, editor-in-chief of Papercutz and a former Marvel editor who oversaw the Spider-Man titles for years (and who hired superstar artist Todd McFarlane to illustrate Amazing Spider-Man), sat down with Dan Gvozden and I at the Connecticut ComiCONN event in Trumbull, CT, last weekend. The interview has just

Retcons are often the lifeblood of comic book storytelling. I mean, who doesn’t appreciate somebody fixing the mistakes of a previous editorial regime by wiping that older story from existence? While I can understand some hang-wringing regarding how some retcons have been deployed in the Spider-Man universe over the